Comparison between Incognito mode and Private browsing mode

October 15, 2021

Comparison between Incognito mode and Private browsing mode

We've all been there before, trying to browse the web without leaving traces of our online activity on our devices. That's when private browsing modes come in handy. Many web browsers offer these modes, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and many others.

But wait, aren't they all supposed to be the same? Not quite! There are different names for this type of browsing mode, such as Incognito window, Private browsing, InPrivate browsing, and Private Window. However, these names typically refer to the same type of mode. In this post, we'll compare Incognito mode and Private browsing mode to help users understand their differences and similarities.

What are Incognito mode and Private browsing mode?

Incognito mode and Private browsing mode have the same objective: to enable users to browse the web without saving their history, cookies, or cache. When using either of these modes, the browser won't save any data related to the user's browsing activity, and the user can browse without worrying about any traces of their activity being left behind.

Similarities between Incognito mode and Private browsing mode

Both modes share some similarities:

  1. No browsing data is saved: The browser doesn't store history, cookies, or cache data from the user's browsing session.
  2. Automatic sign-out: Users are signed out from their accounts automatically when using these modes, protecting users' privacy when sharing devices or computers with other people.
  3. Protection against tracking: Websites are not able to track the user's identity, location or behavior, and cookies aren't saved, making it harder for companies to monitor users' online behavior and preferences.

Differences between Incognito mode and Private browsing mode

Although both modes have the same general-purpose, there are some differences between them:

  1. Naming differences: As previously mentioned, the names of these modes differ depending on the browser you're using. There is no official name, but Incognito mode is what Google Chrome calls it; Private browsing mode is what Firefox calls it, and so on.
  2. **Temporary bookmarks saved or not:**In Firefox's Private Browsing mode, bookmarks saved in that window are automatically saved to the "Unsorted Bookmarks" folder to make them available after closing the window. In incognito mode, Chrome does not save any bookmarks.
  3. Availability of browser extensions: In some browsers, browser extensions may be restricted or disabled when using private browsing mode to prevent websites from storing user data through the extension.
  4. Data captured: Private browsing mode does not make you anonymous on the internet, and data such as IP address and device information are still collected by the websites you visit. Incognito mode, on the other hand, may be less secure than you think since any website you visit or extensions you use could still track your behavior and data.

Which one should you use?

Both Incognito mode and Private browsing-mode have provided efficient solutions for online privacy protection. However, your decision may depend on your internet activity and personal preference. For instance, if you're planning to use passwords, save bookmarks, or temporarily save non-sensitive web pages, Firefox's Private Browsing mode May be more suitable. For users who are concerned about security and privacy, switching to Tor or using a VPN service are additional options to consider.


In conclusion, both modes offer useful functionalities for browsing the web without leaving traces while in privacy mode. Still, they do have their differences that users should take into consideration. After all, protecting our privacy online is crucial, and these modes provide useful tools for keeping your data confidential.


  1. Google - Browse in private with Incognito mode
  2. Mozilla - Private Browsing mode FAQs
  3. Microsoft - Browse in private with Microsoft Edge

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